Most of us grew up reading DC comics or watching cartoons and shows with DC characters, and probably had great picks for DC Hero Puppy Names for our favourite pooch. If you wish to remember all the characters you have encountered while reading comics and watching movies, take a look at our list of over 100 DC Hero Puppy Names, and maybe you’ll find a good match for your puppy too!

- Adam
- Alfred
- Allen
- Amanda
- Anarky
- Ares
- Arisia
- Atlanna
- Atom
- Bane
- Barbara
- Barry
- Batman
- Beast Boy
- Belloc
- Black
- Booster
- Captain
- Constantine
- Curry
- Custer
- Cyclone
- Damian
- Damien
- Darhk
- Drake
- Elaine
- Eve
- Fate
- Flag
- Flash
- Fox
- Freeze
- Frost
- Ghul
- Gordon
- Grayson
- Grodd
- H.I.V.E.
- Hal
- Harley
- Ice
- Ivy
- Jade
- James
- Jason
- Jesse
- Jimmy
- Joker
- Jordan
- Katana
- Killer
- Kon-El
- Krona
- Krypto
- Lane
- Lex
- Lobo
- Lois
- Lucius
- Luthor
- Manhunter
- Marvel
- Mary
- Maxwell
- Mera
- Mister
- Morpheus
- Nereus
- Nightwing
- Olsen
- Pandora
- Phantom
- Quinn
- Ra’s Al Ghul
- Raven
- Rayner
- Reyes
- Rick
- Riddler
- Robin
- Savage
- Scarecrow
- Shazam
- Shin
- Sinestro
- Starfire
- Stargirl
- Steel
- Stephen
- Steppenwolf
- Steve
- Superboy
- Supergirl
- Tawky
- Tawny
- Telos
- Thomas
- Tim
- Titan
- Todd
- Trevor
- Vandal
- Vixen
- Waller
- Wally
- Wayne
- Zatanna
- Zod
- Zoom
The comic book-inspired name trend has become a huge hit, particularly thanks to DC movies and TV shows carrying on the torch. With this DC Hero puppy names list, you can also remember all the epic moments of your favorite hero (or villain) when you call your puppy.
Want more names to choose from?
Check out these Marvel Comics inspired names or these puppy names inspired by 90’s cartoon characters too!