100+ DC Hero Puppy Names

DC hero puppy names

Most of us grew up reading DC comics or watching cartoons and shows with DC characters, and probably had great picks for DC Hero Puppy Names for our favourite pooch. If you wish to remember all the characters you have encountered while reading comics and watching movies, take a look at our list of over 100 DC Hero Puppy Names, and maybe you’ll find a good match for your puppy too!

DC hero puppy names
  1. Adam
  2. Alfred
  3. Allen
  4. Amanda
  5. Anarky
  6. Ares
  7. Arisia
  8. Atlanna
  9. Atom
  10. Bane
  11. Barbara
  12. Barry
  13. Batman
  14. Beast Boy
  15. Belloc
  16. Black
  17. Booster
  18. Captain
  19. Constantine
  20. Curry
  21. Custer
  22. Cyclone
  23. Damian
  24. Damien
  25. Darhk
  26. Drake
  27. Elaine
  28. Eve
  29. Fate
  30. Flag
  31. Flash
  32. Fox
  33. Freeze
  34. Frost
  35. Ghul
  36. Gordon
  37. Grayson
  38. Grodd
  39. H.I.V.E.
  40. Hal
  41. Harley
  42. Ice
  43. Ivy
  44. Jade
  45. James
  46. Jason
  47. Jesse
  48. Jimmy
  49. Joker
  50. Jordan
  51. Katana
  52. Killer
  53. Kon-El
  54. Krona
  55. Krypto
  56. Lane
  57. Lex
  58. Lobo
  59. Lois
  60. Lucius
  61. Luthor
  62. Manhunter
  63. Marvel
  64. Mary
  65. Maxwell
  66. Mera
  67. Mister
  68. Morpheus
  69. Nereus
  70. Nightwing
  71. Olsen
  72. Pandora
  73. Phantom
  74. Quinn
  75. Ra’s Al Ghul
  76. Raven
  77. Rayner
  78. Reyes
  79. Rick
  80. Riddler
  81. Robin
  82. Savage
  83. Scarecrow
  84. Shazam
  85. Shin
  86. Sinestro
  87. Starfire
  88. Stargirl
  89. Steel
  90. Stephen
  91. Steppenwolf
  92. Steve
  93. Superboy
  94. Supergirl
  95. Tawky
  96. Tawny
  97. Telos
  98. Thomas
  99. Tim
  100. Titan
  101. Todd
  102. Trevor
  103. Vandal
  104. Vixen
  105. Waller
  106. Wally
  107. Wayne
  108. Zatanna
  109. Zod
  110. Zoom

The comic book-inspired name trend has become a huge hit, particularly thanks to DC movies and TV shows carrying on the torch. With this DC Hero puppy names list, you can also remember all the epic moments of your favorite hero (or villain) when you call your puppy. 

Want more names to choose from?

Check out these Marvel Comics inspired names or these puppy names inspired by 90’s cartoon characters too!

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