100+ Puppy Names Based on Classical Literature

dog in period clothes - classical literature puppy names

Literary classics are not just a source of inspiration to authors and readers, but also a source of some brilliant classical literature puppy names. Enjoying titles such as Wuthering Heights or Red Harvest transfers you to new worlds where you get to know interesting characters who might be the inspiration to name your new puppy.

So, we have assembled a mega list of classical literature puppy names to help you with your choice! Can you name where they all came from?

  1. Atticus
  2. Beckett
  3. Bingley
  4. Bram
  5. Dante
  6. Dasciell
  7. Elena
  8. Gatsby
  9. Gulliver
  10. Holden
  11. Ophelia
  12. Hamlet
  13. Pablo
  14. Poe
  15. Ulysses
  16. Zora
  17. Mr. Darcy
  18. Pippi
  19. Lolita
  20. Samsa
  21. Jekyll
  22. Hyde
  23. Santiago
  24. Archer
  25. Moriarty
  26. Sherlock
  27. Quixote
  28. Adela
  29. McMurphy
  30. Zhivago
  31. Romeo
  32. Juliet
  33. Kurtz
  34. Ahab
  35. Crusoe
  36. Dedalus
  37. Huck
  38. Huckleberry
  39. Finn
  40. Emma
  41. MacBeth
  42. Florentino
  43. Anna
  44. Karenina
  45. Oliver
  46. Twist
  47. Heathcliff
  48. Rodion
  49. Godot
  50. Timon
  51. Oberon
  52. Horatio
  53. Cerberus
  54. Argos
  55. Virgil
  56. Juno
  57. Fairfax
  58. Sancho
  59. Panza
  60. Argos
  61. Tock
  62. Dante
  63. Joan
  64. Cleaopatra
  65. Beatrice
  66. Puck
  67. Iago
  68. Marlowe
  69. Ernest
  70. Aurora
  71. Hansel
  72. Gretel
  73. Pan
  74. Buck
  75. Cujo
  76. Laska
  77. Lassie
  78. Toto
  79. White Fang
  80. Yeller
  81. Nana
  82. Max
  83. Daisy
  84. Bond
  85. Ripley
  86. Scarlett
  87. Scout
  88. Snowball
  89. Beowulf
  90. Pippin
  91. Sawyer
  92. Rose
  93. Raven
  94. Charlie
  95. Odessy
  96. Duke
  97. Dani
  98. Danica
  99. Gretl
  100. Sheba
  101. Gandalf
  102. Bilbo
  103. Boo
  104. Radley
  105. Hibbins
  106. Zeus
  107. Mercutio
  108. Phantom
  109. Margery
  110. Kempe

Which are your favorite characters from classic literature, and which do you think would make some great classical literature puppy names? Let us know in the comments below!

Still unsure what to name your puppy? Check out the ‘Puppy Naming’ section for inspiration.

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