How Much Should I Walk My Puppy?

puppy walking guidelines feature image - two puppies on lead meeting

You’d think that walking your puppy was pretty self-explanatory, but there are a few puppy walking guidelines you need to follow to keep your puppy happy and healthy. Here are some tips, tricks, and facts to help your pup get the most of your daily strolls!

Puppy Walking Guidelines: How Often Should I Walk My Pup?

An easy trick to remember is to walk your puppy 5 minutes per every month old they are.

For example if they’re 4 months old, that’s 20 minutes. Do this until they hit a year old, up to two times per day.

There is a reason for this. It may seem like mans best friend is a bundle of energy, and often that is very true. Even if they are full of energy it is possible to walk them too much.

Doing so can lead to exhaustion and things such as joint damage. The physical effects on this are more damaging for larger breeds such as Rottweilers and Labs. Keep an eye on your puppy when you’re walking and keep out for signs of exhaustion.

There are other things to consider too, which include:


Where you and your new friend are walking can make a big difference. For example, in the Summer, it’s smart to avoid things like the pavement, sidewalks, or concrete to keep their paw pads from getting burned.

You can check if it’s too hot by putting your hand down and feeling it, if it’s too hot to keep your hand there, it’s too hold for your dog’s foot. If you’re walking on a gravel road, mind any sharp objects you may come across such as rocks with sharp edges or any glass in the road. Their paw pads are strong but can also cut easily if they come across things like that.


Since your puppy is not only new to you, but to the world in general, they don’t exactly know the ropes yet. Unless you’re in a fenced in area or indoor space, it is smart to keep your dog on a lead.

This can be especially important if you live in the city. Dogs are really smart creatures but this won’t stop them from running in front of cars or just run off in general.

Switch Out For Other Exercise

If you have a big bundle of energy and you’ve reached your puppy walking requirement, switch it out for other exercises. Playing with a ball, a bit of tug-of-war, or even just interacting with training games can help burn off some of that excess energy.

These are just some of the puppy walking guidelines that a good for your puppy’s health! But don’t worry, you’ll be bonding on your strolls in no time!

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