Hypoallergenic Puppies: Myths And Facts

pair of poodle puppies - hypoallergenic puppies feature - examples

Hypoallergenic puppies are being discussed a lot right now. With dog-lovers trying to opt for breeds that won’t set off asthma, or other allergies, there’s is a lot of information out there with some bold claims being made.

But, the truth is, there is little scientific evidence to back up the idea that there are actual hypoallergenic puppies.

BUT. All hope is not lost…

The causes of allergies can be greatly reduced by certain breeds, and we’re about to explain why.

Plus, scroll down and find out which breeds are more ‘hypoallergenic’ than others.

First we need to explain how dog allergies work.

With a true dog allergy, what a person is allergic to is actually a protein found in their saliva and urine. This protein attaches to the dry flakes of skin on your pet, and these flakes are called ‘dander’.

It’s actually a lot more common to be allergic to cats than dogs, and a true dog allergy is quite rare. What most people are allergic to is the allergens a dog comes in contact with outside. These common allergens attach to your puppy’s fur and then get released into the air in your home. Constant interaction with your furniture, linen, and even yourself then causes the irritation.

Hypoallergenic vs Shedding

Depending on the breed, your puppy may shed continuously, twice a year or seasonally (some breeders call this ‘blowing’ their coat), or your dog may shed very little or not at all! The breeds who shed only very small amounts, or not at all, are the breeds considered to have ‘hypoallergenic puppies’.

Although we may call some breeds hypoallergenic, no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, because they all secrete the protein allergen. Yet even the sex of a dog can determine how much allergen is released.  According to Tove Fall, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical Sciences, unfixed male dogs secrete MORE proteins than females and unneutered males.

So, in actual fact, neutering and spaying could also play a factor here in finding a puppy that won’t set off your allergies.

But, more commonly, we’re looking for puppies that don’t shed!

Which breeds are considered ‘hypoallergenic’?

This list isn’t exhaustive and there are quite a few, but some of the main dog breeds that don’t shed much include:

  1. Australian Silky Terrier
  2. Basenji
  3. Bichon Frise
  4. Border Terrier
  5. Bouvier des Flandres
  6. Brussels Griffon
  7. Cairn Terrier
  8. Chinese Crested (both hairless and Powder-puff)
  9. Havanese
  10. Irish Water Spaniel
  11. Kerry Blue Terrier
  12. Maltese Terrier
  13. Poodle (all types)
  14. Portuguese Water Dog
  15. Schnauzer  
  16. Shih Tzu
  17. West Highland White Terrier
  18. Tibetan Terrier
  19. Wheaten Terrier
  20. Yorkshire Terrier
Black and white schnauzer looking up at the camera on a paved surface. An example of hypoallergenic puppies.

A Note on Puppy Shedding:

These dog breeds shed signifigantly less. But, ALL puppies shed their puppy coat.

All. Of. Them.

Between 4-12 months (depending on breed) puppies will shed their ‘baby coat’ before a year old. During which, it could kick up your allergies.

But, once they have matured and their full adult coat grows in, these are the breeds that are less prone to shedding!

How can we help with allergens in a “regular” dog breed?

As stated earlier, all dogs will secrete allergen proteins, and if they have fur it will still grab on to multiple allergens in the outside world.

But you can reduce this and still have a puppy when you’re allergic by:

Bathing your puppy regularly.

Even if you get one of the hypoallergenic puppies on our list, by giving your puppy a bath on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, you can reduce a great many allergens, including the proteins found in saliva. Try to use a conditioning shampoo if you need to bathe your puppy more than once a month, so you don’t strip too much of their natural oils on their skin.

Another helpful hint for puppies with dry skin would be adding an omega 3-6-9 daily supplement.

Brush or comb your dog daily.

There are many choices now for dog brushes and combs available in the grooming section of your local pet store. Being able to remove as much dead loose fur as possible will greatly help to reduce allergens.

You should also look to brush or comb your dog outside, so that no allergens and fur are transferred in your home.

After a bath, once your dog is dry (finally), it’s a good time to brush them since a lot of the fur has become loosened during the bathing process. If you use a rubber brushing tool when bathing your dog, (looks like a horse comb), you can brush them with the soap on the comb. This helps loosen even more dead fur.

Vacuum your home more regularly.

Invest in a pet vacuum with a filter. Vacuums that state they are specifically for pet hair really do work better. They usually have an attachment with rotating brushes, and a lot of them have HEPA filters.  

This will help keep the amount of dander down inside your house.

Some dogs will even let you vacuum them. I know this sounds incredibly odd, but you can train them to love it. At the groomers your dog will be “blow-dried”, so if they are accustomed to blow drying, you might be lucky enough to have a vacuum-able puppy!

 Vaccuum hoovering blue carpet. Showing a difference between where was hoovered and where wasn't

Invest in a HEPA air filter for your home.

Although you might find a HEPA filter a bit expensive, they make a big difference. If there is a specific room your dog spends more time in, this is a good place to put the overpriced air purifier. Another logical place people opt to put a HEPA is in their bedroom.

HEPA filters also help to clean the “dog smell” in the air, which most of us don’t even notice anymore.

Can dog allergies be prevented?

As of 2019, there isn’t much that can be done if you’re already allergic to dogs – besides allergy medications. Immunology-therapy studies are currently being done to see if small amounts of exposure to an allergen can reduce the effects. There has been some promise, but there’s still no surefire way to eliminate a dog allergy.

BUT! You can help reduce the chance of allergies in your children if they grow up with pets! If that’s not awesome enough… in a Swedish study done by the same Tove Fall we mentioned earlier,  “Children living with two or more dogs had a 21 percent lower risk of asthma than those who only lived with one dog.” Science said it!! The more the merrier!

Hopefully this article has given you a better understanding of hypoallergenic puppies, and help you make the decision for the right pooch for you!

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