Want to write for The Puppy Toolbox?
Want to share your puppy knowledge, experience and cute pup pics with the world?
Then send an email with your idea or article to:
hello[at]thepuppytoolbox.com with the subject: ARTICLE PITCH
We will take a look at it and if it’s successful we will get in contact with you before publishing.
To make the process run smoother, please stick to these guidelines:
- Submit only original content that hasn’t been posted elsewhere. With the exception of videos which we are happy to embed in a relevant article from YouTube or similar.
- Have permission to send us pictures or images that you want us to post. Sending them means you acknowledge you have the permission.
- Add a 2-3 line bio and image along with your article so we can create your profile!
You’re welcome to submit as many articles as you like – we have discretion over those that are actually published.
What sort of things we will publish:
- Helpful tips and tricks to help with puppy training.
- Interesting or funny stories or videos about you and your pup or your achievements.
- Recipes for homemade healthy puppy food.
- Cute puppy stories
- Informative articles on puppy care
What sort of thing we won’t:
- Articles that are negative about certain breeds or training choices.
- Articles that promote the private sale of puppies, puppy mills, puppies being used as bait or in dog fights. As well as other illegal activity surrounding animal welfare.
We look forward to hearing from you and having you write for The Puppy Toolbox! Please allow up to 7 working days to respond to your email due to the