Caring for a Puppy When You Have to Work

Caring for a Puppy

Once you adopt a pup, you’ll need to figure out ways in caring for a puppy and what your little pup will do while you’re at work.

Working with a puppy can be a stressful period for both of you. What if you don’t have someone to watch them while you’re at work, or don’t work for a company that allows your puppy to join you? 

We have four great options to make your puppy comfortable and safe while you’re away.

Give your puppy an adjustment period.

Puppies are pack animals and are used to being with Mom, littermates, then you. When you know the time is coming for them to be alone, make this adjustment as easy on them as possible.  

Leave your puppy alone for short periods of time (that is, a few minutes at a time), and work your way up to about 90 minutes. Do this over a week or more. By gradually leaving for longer amounts of time, your puppy will be less likely to experience separation anxiety.

Hire a puppy walker or recruit family or friends. 

Your pup will need pee breaks and a walk when you’re away at work. If you aren’t able to come home during your lunch break, find someone who is able to take your puppy out for a pee. 

When hiring a dog walker, be sure your dog walker is able to provide references. Set a schedule for them to come at the same time every day to establish a routine for your pup. 

Doggie daycare 

This option makes working with a puppy easier and gives your puppy social interaction with other dogs. Daycare can be a great opportunity for both of you. Your puppy will be able to mingle with other dogs, get their daily exercise, and you can be sure they are safe for the whole day. 

To keep the puppies safe, be sure the daycare you consider keeps them separate from the adult dogs and allows playtime with appropriately sized groups.  

Begin crate training early

Crate training will make things easier and become a normal part of your little one’s routine (and yours!).

As soon as your puppy comes home with you, have a crate set up to provide them with a safe space when you’re gone. Use treats to convince your puppy to go into the crate with the door opened at first. Throughout the day, use treats to “lure” them in, and close the door for longer and longer periods. 

When your puppy cries for attention, the fastest way to get them to stop this behaviour is by ignoring them. Let them “cry it out.” As soon as they stop crying, let them out, reward your puppy with a treat, but do NOT make a big deal out of it. 

Crate training requires a lot of patience, but it’s essential in caring for a puppy. To get your puppy used to longer periods in the crate, leave them in at night while you sleep. Remember, a puppy under 5 months old will still need pee breaks at night, so set an alarm to bring them out halfway through the night. 

These options will make working while caring for a puppy an easier process.  If you think your puppy has separation anxiety, in the article “Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Puppies,” we go over ways to help in greater detail.

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