Puppy Beach Etiquette: Your First Beach Visit

Puppy Beach Etiquette: First Beach Visit

It’s important to teach puppy beach etiquette from the first visit. You, your family, and your puppy can enjoy the beach together as long as you understand the proper puppy beach etiquette and safety so that you, and other beachgoers can all enjoy it together.

So, here’s the basic rules you need to know:

Specific Puppy Beach Etiquette

The most important thing is to understand the rules of the particular beach you are visiting, because rules can vary from beach to beach.

Make sure to research before you visit to find out if there are leash or seasonal restrictions or if your puppy needs any special vaccinations in order to be able to go to the beach and join in the fun.

If you don’t do the research ahead of time, then you might be disappointed when you find out that your puppy may only be able to go to particular areas or won’t be allowed off the leash like you were hoping for.

Voice Commands & Recall

If your puppy hasn’t learnt basic recall or voice commands you may want to reconsider letting them off leash. Beaches can be more dangerous and harder to retrieve your pup with all the distractions, particularly during peak seasons.

Nobody wants to be at the beach and be afraid of your puppy, or worse, your puppy get itself into danger. So, keep your puppy on leash until you grasp basic recall with them.

Clean Up After Your Pup

Some people believe that you can bury your puppy’s poop in the sand. But please don’t! It’s rule number one in puppy beach etiquette and just disgusting for other beachgoers! Puppy-friendly beaches often provide bins around the beach so you can dispose of your waste properly, so always being the poop bags with you.

Pick Your Space With Respect

One point that is often forgotten is that although puppies are cute, not everyone likes them. Some children can be afraid, adults can be allergic, and not everyone wants your puppy running up to them. If it’s busy, just ask the people around you before you sit down or ‘set up camp’ so that you don’t upset people.

puppy beach etiquette

4 Puppy Beach Care Tips

#1 Hydration

Always take fresh water with you to the beach, and discourage your puppy from drinking from the sea because too much can be dangerous. We love foldable travel bowls that you can easily carry around and hook onto your bag!   

#2 Shade

The beach can be unforgiving, so always sit somewhere with shade or aim to create your own! It’s easy for puppies to overheat as they have a harder time regulating their temperature, so giving them shade helps them to cool down. We love the idea of pop up puppy tents, because they’re also great for kids too!

#3 Showers

Sand can irritate your puppy’s paws and skin as it is a little more sensitive than when they are fully grown. Make sure you give them a shower using the facilities or when you get home to avoid this!

#4 Remember The Paws

Always check the temperature of the sand before you put your puppy down. Have you ever walked barefoot on boiling hot sand? It’s not pleasant. For puppies this can burn their paw pads and create an unnecessary vet-visit. Simply test the temperature with your own feet, and if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them.

Dog-Friendly Beaches

If you’re looking for puppy-friendly beaches in your area, here’s a few resources that might be useful to test out your new puppy beach etiquette:

Check out our other Puppy Travel Tips for your first vacation.

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