What Type of Food Should I Feed My Puppy?

puppy sitting in a food bowl on the grass - puppy food types feature image

You walk into your local pet store and you’re bombarded with a variety of puppy food types. With such a huge selection to choose from, it can be overwhelming. Luckily, there are a couple of tips you can follow when deciding on the type of food for your puppy to pick.

Some Puppy Food Types to Consider

Raw Food Diet

A puppy’s food type can revolve around raw meat and vegetables. Unlike us humans, dogs are able to digest pretty much anything edible. Raw food diets are a healthy choice if your pup has allergies.

Freeze-Dried Raw Food

This type of puppy food might be a bit more expensive, but it is simple, highly nutritional, and most dogs love it.

Dry Food

Dry dog food has become the most widely used puppy food type. It’s easy to dish out, helps keep your puppy’s teeth clean, and it’s affordable. Keep in mind, the cheaper the food is, the more likely it is to contain “fillers” such as corn, soy, and wheat – which are top allergens for puppies.

Wet Foods

Wet foods are best mixed in with dry or raw diets as a supplement. A lot of wet foods contain a higher percentage of fat. Your puppy does need more fat than an adult dog, but monitoring the amount is important.

Picking The Right Puppy Food Types For You

The First Ingredient Rule!

Check the ingredients listed on the food you are considering. A lot of times, the first ingredient is what the food contains the most of. For example, if the first ingredient is corn, you’ve got a food with a lot of filler.

Recommended Feeding Guidelines

If you notice the feeding guideline for your 10 lb puppy is six cups per day compared to another food stating three cups, you know the six-cup food contains fillers, which means less nutrition and a whole lot of extra poop.

Protein, Fat, Fruits, Vegetables

One trick you can go by is the amount of ingredients. Less is usually more. When you see an ingredients list that’s six inches long, and you can’t even read half of them, there is a lot in there that’s not necessary.

Special Dietary Needs

One thing to take into consideration is the specific medical needs of your puppy. If your vet has recommended a food due to allergies or restrictions, always follow their advice. And never feed a puppy adult food. It does not contain the minerals, vitamins, and fats necessary for puppy growth.

When All Else Fails, Ask A Professional

They have a ton of knowledge of certain types of puppy foods and nutritional qualities. They are usually happy to recommend their most popular puppy food and can explain why it’s a good choice.

With these tips, you’ll find it much easier to decide which puppy food types are best for your fast growing puppy. Read our article on ‘What Puppy Foods To Avoid’

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