100+ Geeky Puppy Names

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For geeks and tech lovers searching for geeky puppy names, there are so many options to choose from, it can be a tough choice! The names of our pets often reflect the things we love most. Do you want to name your dog after your favorite science fiction movie or TV show, or do you prefer a geeky computer and tech-related name instead?

Either way here are 100+ geeky puppy names for your new puppy!

Star Trek Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. Kirk
  2. Spock
  3. Bones
  4. Uhura
  5. Shotty
  6. Troi
  7. Yar
  8. Q
  9. Odo
  10. Dax
  11. Nerys
  12. Seven of Nine
  13. Neelix
  14. Saru
  15. Warp
  16. Tilly
  17. Lorca
  18. Georgiou

Video Game Inspired Puppy Names

  1. Alucard
  2. Bastion
  3. Bowser
  4. D.va
  5. Jax
  6. Lara
  7. Link
  8. Luigi
  9. Mario
  10. Sonic
  11. Yoshi
  12. Zelda
  13. Twitch

Game of Thrones Inspired Puppy Names

  1. Ghost
  2. Nymeria
  3. Grey Wind
  4. Lady
  5. Summer
  6. Shaggydog
  7. Daenerys
  8. Khaleesi
  9. Grey Worm
  10. Varys
  11. Olly
  12. Cersei
  13. Arya
  14. Yara
  15. Gilly
  16. White Walker
  17. Raven
  18. Warg
  19. Walda
  20. The Hound

Star Wars Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. BB-8
  2. Luke
  3. Chewbacca
  4. Chewy
  5. Leia
  6. Yoda
  7. Biggs
  8. Darth
  9. Jabba
  10. Rey
  11. Finn
  12. R2D2
  13. Jar Jar
  14. Snoke
  15. Kylo
  16. Ren
  17. Dryden
  18. Moloch
  19. Endor
  20. Saber

Lord of The Rings Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. Bilbo
  2. Aragorn
  3. Arwen
  4. Bree
  5. Strider
  6. Gandalf
  7. Pippin
  8. Legolas
  9. Gimli
  10. Rosie

Marvel Universe Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. Banshee
  2. Groot
  3. Beast
  4. Rocket
  5. Storm
  6. Star-Lord
  7. Hawkeye
  8. Blake
  9. Bucky

Geeky TV and Movies Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. Penny
  2. Buffy
  3. Gizmo
  4. Astro
  5. Falkor
  6. Leela
  7. Neo
  8. Tardis
  9. Toto
  10. Xena

Mythology Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. Thor
  2. Loki
  3. Fenrir
  4. Odin
  5. Hati
  6. Tyr
  7. Athena
  8. Aura
  9. Cerebrus
  10. Ares

PC and Programming Inspired Geeky Puppy Names

  1. Ajax
  2. Cloud
  3. Chip
  4. Codex
  5. Glitch
  6. Cookie
  7. Gadget
  8. Quark
  9. Java
  10. Nano

Did we forget any? Share your favorites with us in the comments and we’ll add to the list!

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