How to Stop Your Artificial Grass from Smelling Like Puppy

artificial grass smelling like puppy

Stop your artificial grass smelling like puppy with these useful tips.

Artificial grass is an excellent choice for low-maintenance gardens, but it can start to stink after a while if your puppy is using it as a toilet too.

There are a couple of great options when it comes to cleaning. Some owners choose to take the natural route, while others prefer cleaners made specifically for puppy smells. Here’s some of the options and cleaning tips that work:

What causes your artificial grass to smell?

No matter how much you clean, sometimes you just can’t get that awful odour out. With urine in particular, ammonia is released, creating a strong putrid smell. Although it can be easy to clean artificial grass, the strong odour caused by ammonia eventually seeps into the material, making it difficult to remove.

Natural options to stop your artificial grass from smelling like puppy

Due to the alkaline nature of ammonia, you will need to tackle the smell with something acidic. Let’s look at our natural options first:


  1. Make a mixture of 50% water and 50% vinegar.
  2. Purchase a spray bottle at your local hardware or discount store, and spray away!
  3. Allow the liquid to sit for 5 to 10 minutes, being careful to saturate all areas your puppy has used.
  4. If you find the odour is particularly strong, opt for 7% cleaning vinegar.

Baking soda

  1. Sprinkle the grass liberally with baking soda.
  2. Fill your spray bottle with pure vinegar and set it to “stream.”
  3. Saturate the areas you previously sprinkled.
  4. Once the foaming stops, spray the grass again to be sure all of the baking soda has been activated.

Hosing/Power Hosing

An excellent way to actually stop your artificial grass from smelling like puppy is to hose it down several times a week, or ideally, once or twice a day. That way you’re not allowing the smells or bacteria behind them to settle. You’ll need your hose on the highest setting, or a low/medium setting on a power or jet washer.

Chemical Options

Some pet cleaning products that you can purchase at the local pet store are specifically made to remove stubborn odours. Most will state clearly if they are made to neutralise the smell of urine or feces. Check the label for “enzymatic cleaner,” since these work best for animal smells.

Hydrogen peroxide

  1. After an initial clean, hydrogen peroxide will remove any lingering smell.
  2. With a spray bottle or through careful pouring, saturate all areas of your artificial grass.
  3. Be careful not to spray any nearby fabrics; peroxide can bleach colour-fast material.

*Note: It’s important to patch test to make sure there’s no discolouration.*


Zoflora is a favourite of many and can be an excellent cleaner in your home. Many have reported that it stops your artificial grass from smelling like puppy but it leaves a ‘chemical smell’ that also needs removal.

Which cleaning products are effective against stubborn odours?

Some pet cleaning products that you can purchase at the local pet store are specifically made to remove stubborn odours. Most will state clearly if they are made to neutralise the smell of urine or feces. Check the label for “enzymatic cleaner,” since these work best for animal smells.

6 Tips from kennel workers who regularly clean artificial grass:

  1. Always rinse the grass well with warm water to remove any residue from your cleaner.
  2. Allow the grass to dry completely before returning it to your pet’s toileting area.
  3. A pressure sprayer or hose is a great tool when needing to clean artificial grass.
  4. Add a couple of drops of essential oils to your rinse water to help with odour. Lemon and orange are your best options, since they have an acidic quality.
  5. For messes like diarrhea, an old broom can make a useful scrub brush.
  6. Keep an extra grass mat to use when the other is being cleaned and dried.

No one enjoys having to clean artificial grass, but these tips will definitely make it quicker when removing the odours caused by your puppy’s bathroom breaks. For tips on controlling fur, see our article “Protecting Your Home from Puppy Shedding.”

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